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Tips on how to keep yourself organised at work

  • Make a Daily List of things to do. – The feeling of accomplishment and marking off to say that one task has been accomplished provides one with a great deal of satisfaction. Use a highlighter! If the tasks are slowly creeping up with strict deadlines, take some time to record urgency
  • Prioritise In a competitive and busy working environment many things come up at once making it near impossible to focus on one problem at a time. Sometimes perceived problems may not be a problem and can be dealt with in an instant. Learn to focus energies on tasks that MUST get done in the workplace and don’t focus too much on the little things. Prioritising your time and attention is key in how to keep yourself organised at work.
  • Plan – Ensure that you plan and ensure that nothing gets overlooked ie appointments. Microsoft Outlook in conjunction with a manual diary (in case of IT problems) is paramount.
  • Open, Professional Communication – worst case scenario, if your workload is just too much and no amount of organising can help. It is certainly better to ask for additional help than try to get everything done at once


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