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Things NOT to include in your resume

Resumes are your marketing tool, therefore your resume needs to ensure that you stand out from your competitors!


In today’s competitive market taking the time to construct your resume is paramount.

Remember your resume needs to be tailored to each job you’re applying for . The ‘one size fits all’ resume simply does not work.


• Career Objective – unless extremely targeted to a specific industry, avoid! People do make the mistake of making career objectives too wordy and irrelevant. My tip is to avoid.

• Irrelevant Employment experience – minimise work experience of over 15 years . Highlight and emphasise the skills that match the role.

• Physical description of yourself including photo – this is not relevant on a professional document. People make judgments whether good or bad, avoid this all together.

• Interests – although ok, make sure list is short and concise.

• Inappropriate contact information – I am referring to non-professional email addresses which are a complete ‘no no’ on a professional document.

• Creative fonts – your resume needs to be clear. Avoid the use of fonts that are difficult to read. The standard font size is 11. Suggested fonts – Times New Roman or Arial.

• Poor use of grammar – avoid slang and complicated acronyms.

• Achievements – make sure they are actual achievements. People do make the mistake of highlighting achievements on their resumes, however fails to impress when the reader is reading.


Ensuring you make a good first impression at an interview

When you’re attending a job interview, first impressions are critical.  It actually takes someone approximately 7 seconds to make an opinion of you, when presenting at a job interview.  Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the first impression you are giving off.  Are you coming across as human and likeable?  Do you exude professionalism and charm?

Find below some pointers that may assist you give a ‘knock out’ first impression –

Dress to impress – You want to go to an interview looking sharp, articulate and extremely well groomed.  This includes well ironed clothes, polished shoes, hair washed and neat and tidy.  You need to research the people who may be interviewing you.  For corporate roles, you need to wear corporate attire (tailored business suits).  If the position, for example is more of an artistic, creative role, dress as though you look creative (yet still give a professional appearance).   It’s always better to be over dressed as opposed to under dressed.

Give an impressionable handshake – a critical element in creating a good first impression.  Must be firm.

Eye Contact and Body Language –good posture, shoulders back.  Body language is under-estimated.  Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.  If a panel interview maintain eye contact with all panel members.  Don’t over use eye contact and make people uncomfortable.

Communication – speak clearly and at a moderate pace.  Avoid slang and jargon not associated with the job you’re interviewing for.  Always use proper grammar that reflects a higher level of education.

Charm – When attending an interview always appear very interested in the business.  The interviewer will always like to talk about the business and its acheivements.  It’s advisable to direct the attention away from yourself and on to the other person.  Avoid talking too much about yourself.  Try and get the other person to talk about themselves and the business

 The goal of every first impression is for you to stick in the interviewer’s brain.  Instead of being the 4 cylinder model, you want to be the V8 model.

 Don’t forget to thank the interviewer at the conclusion of the interview – a thank you goes a long way……remember it’s the little things that make the difference!

The 2013 Readers Digest Most Trusted Professions in Australia (Top 20)

According to the Readers Digest, the professions that are dependable, honest and reliable have earned the public’s trust.  The top place is shared  jointly between fire fighters and paramedics.

  1. Fire fighters and Paramedics
  2. Rescue Volunteers.
  3. Nurses.
  4. Pilots.
  5. Doctors.
  6. Pharmacists.
  7. Veterinarians.
  8. Air Traffic Controllers.
  9. Farmers.
  10. Scientists.
  11. Armed Forces personnel.
  12. Police.
  13. Dentists
  14. Teachers.
  15. Child Care Workers.
  16. Flight Attendants.
  17. Bus/Train/Tram drivers.
  18. Locksmiths.
  19. Hairdressers.

The bottom five

       45.   Real Estate Agents

46.   Sex Workers.

47.   Call Centre Staff

48.   Insurance sales people

49.   Politicians

The Importance of continuing professional development – Knowledge is power

Definition – maintaining and enhancing the skills, knowledge and experience related to your profession following completion of formal training. It also involves development of personal qualities which are required for carrying out professional and technical duties during a professional’s working career.  It is imperative that both technical and non – technical skills  be developed.

Most professions do have set requirements for ongoing ‘continued personal development’ so demonstrated competence in a chosen field/profession can be maintained.  The ultimate outcome of continued professional development is that it safeguards the public, the employer, the professional and the professionals career.

Benefits of continued professional development
  • Keeps your capabilities relevant and  up to speed in an ever changing and competitive market as well with the current industry standards in the profession.
  • Maintain and enhance the knowledge and skills you need to deliver a tailored, professional service to all stakeholders.
  • Assists you contribute positively  to your team which builds stakeholder confidence and confidence in the profession as a whole.
  • Keeps you interested.  Continued professional development can open up new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Can create a deeper understanding and an appreciation of the profession.
What is the difference between Public Practice Accounting and Corporate/Private Accounting?

 Public Accounting includes any accounting work that a company performs on behalf of or for another company. Examples include:-

  • Tax
  • Compliance
  • Auditing
  • Business Growth and Consulting.

Private/Corporate Accounting is work that is done for your own company.  Each company has its own form of an internal accounting/finance department and those employees would be considered as private accountants.

Should you relocate for a new job or promotion?

In the current economic climate a lot of people (unemployed, underemployed and employed ) are considering expanding their job search outside of a commutable distance or looking  at a ‘sea change’.

People are no doubt feeling the pressure of higher unemployment rates, redundancies,  and the shrinking of internal opportunities and transformations resulting in decreased headcounts amongst many industries.  This seems to be a growing trend.

Whilst relocation and change can be exciting, you really need to consider the below points before making a commitment as it can be a stressful time for everyone involved:

  • Stay organised – when relocating for a new job, time may not always be on your side.  Therefore planning ahead is essential.  Create a file with detailed notes, timelines, contact names and phone numbers.  Ensure everything is in writing, most importantly offer of employment from a prospective employer.
  • Expensive –  Some companies do have a relocation policy where some assistance may be available.    Ensure that you investigate this before committing to something.  Would highly recommend renting first as it allows you to learn more about the area without the commitment of home ownership.  You will be able to get acquainted with the new job and new town/city in a more relaxed fashion.  Ensure that you investigate the cost of living and how much you can expect to earn v’s what you’re currently on and your lifestyle.
  • Local Support networks – ensure that you investigate local support services and facilities that are available prior to relocating.  For instance shopping centres, hospitals, sporting or interest groups.  Sure you will stay connected with friends and family, however relocating to a new area can be very isolating if you don’t know anyone or any services that the town may offer.  Isolation can become dangerous if not handled well.
  • Spouse/Partner opportunities – a large proportion of couples and families are dual income earners, therefore as a result, your partner will need to find a job.  Generally your partner will leave a job or stay in the old location until a new job is secured, which can may not be the best case scenario.  Things to look at.  Will there be employment opportunities for my partner in their field/profession?    If not the move may not work out or may  become increasingly difficult on both a private and employment front.

Other questions to ask yourself

  • Will the work environment be more stressful?  Maybe you’re relocating from a quiet town to a big city, which may involve a faster pace.  Do you really want this and can you handle it?
  • Daily commute – How will it vary from current job?  Will it be public transport or private vehicle.  Is there a significant time difference?